Genome Sequence of N 22 Available

Post date: May 31, 2016 2:41:37 AM

    Through collaboration by IRRI and the Arizona Genomics Institute, a RefSeq quality genome build for the aus N 22 was recently completed using the whole genome shotgun approach with PacBio sequencing technology.  The predicted error rate is on par with that of Nipponbare (<1 error per 10,000 bases).

     N22 is important for several reasons:  it is heat and drought tolerant, deep-rooted and the source of a number of resources for functional genomics. 

    The genome assembly has been uploaded to Genbank with accession number LWDA00000000. Gene annotation was done using the Maker-P pipeline, with final annotation of TE genes in process.  Chloroplast and mitochondrial assemblies are also available for this build.